Crowd of pedestrians walking through crosswalk

CenturyLink Business Availability in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Cedar Rapids, Iowa business owners can access CenturyLink Business services to help power their small businesses. From fast and reliable internet and voice services to quality customer support, we've got you covered.

CenturyLink Business Internet & Voice in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

CenturyLink Business bundled services in select areas in The Hawkeye State are what your business needs. With CenturyLink Business, access fiber-optic internet along with quality business voice services to keep your employees and customers connected all day long

Internet that fits your needs.

Test your current internet speed to find a business internet plan tailored to fit your company’s needs.

A connection you can count on.

Keep business running smoothly with a reliable connection, stable speeds, and 24/7 customer support.

Iowa state flag

Enter your zip code below to find business internet in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

CenturyLink Business internet in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Say goodbye to lag, and hello to high-speed internet. CenturyLink Business internet services in Cedar Rapids, Iowa can satisfy your need for speed with fiber-optic internet. Carry on business operations, conduct video meetings, and keep in touch with employees and customers from almost any location with an internet connection. Plus, when you sign up for an up to 940 Mbps plan, the modem is included.

Two co-workers carrying moving boxes through office

Are you moving to Cedar Rapids, Iowa soon?

When relocating, your business internet connection should be the least of your worries. Get the internet connection you need with CenturyLink Business in Iowa and enjoy fast speeds on a reliable network with minimal lag. For more information visit CenturyLink Business Moving.


Is CenturyLink Business available in Iowa?

Yes. CenturyLink Business is available in Iowa. Click here to view internet packages and see if service is available in your area.

How much do CenturyLink Business packages cost in Iowa?

CenturyLink Business packages vary in cost depending on the package you choose and start at $30/mo. Speed may not be available in your area. Paperless billing required. Taxes and fees apply.

What is the moving phone number for CenturyLink Business in Iowa?

The moving phone number for CenturyLink Business in Iowa is 1-833-660-1244.

Does CenturyLink Business offer bundles in Iowa?

CenturyLink Business offers a variety of bundles for both home and business usage in Iowa. Check to see if service is available in your area and click to view our bundle packages!

Does CenturyLink Business offer TV and internet bundles in Iowa?

Currently, CenturyLink Business does not offer TV service.