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CenturyLink Business Availability Map
CenturyLink provides nationwide coverage for businesses like yours.

CenturyLink Business Internet is available in these states!

Stop guessing & get help: CenturyLink Business support
It’s time to untangle yourself from the wires and put down the modem box. CenturyLink Business Support can answer your customer service and tech questions, letting you run your business without the stress of service issues.
CenturyLink supports your business with 24/7 customer service, knowledgeable agents, short wait times, over-the-phone instruction, and billing and account assistance.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where are the CenturyLink Business services available?
In order to find the most accurate information about service near your business, consult the zip check section above to confirm services are available in your area.
Are all CenturyLink Business internet speeds available in all areas?
Where is CenturyLink Business phone available?
CenturyLink Simply Unimited Business Voice service is available in most areas where internet service is provided. For more information about plans check out our business phone site here.
Who is Brightspeed?
Brightspeed is a new internet service provider founded on experience, reliability, and simplicity. A new choice, Brightspeed provides internet and home phone customers with connectivity they can rely on using a smart fiber network.
What are the details of the Brightspeed transaction?
Starting October 3, 2022 CenturyLink customers in 20 states will automatically be transferred over to Brightspeed. If the change affects you, we will alert you before it takes place.
We advise logging into your CenturyLink account to make sure your current email is on file so that you receive all important updates.
How can I learn more about Brightspeed?
You can learn more about Brightspeed on their main website here.