Say Hello to Brightspeed Internet in Texas
As of October 3, 2022, Brightspeed will take over CenturyLink’s telephone and internet business in 20 states, including Texas. You’ll experience the quality support you’re used to along with increased reliability and simplicity—all on a smart fiber network. See below for answers to our most frequently asked questions regarding the switch.
Frequently Asked Questions
How will I know if this transaction impacts my service?
If this transaction impacts your service, you will receive an email alert with details on the change.
To ensure you stay in the loop, log into your CenturyLink account to make sure your contact information is up to date.
Will there be any interruption in my service with this change?
No, the change will not interrupt your service. We are working closely with Brightspeed to make the change as seamless as possible.
Will my equipment change?
No. In our attempt to make this change as seamless as possible, you will not need to update your modem/router or other equipment.
If I have home phone service, will my phone number change?
No. Your phone number will stay as it is currently.
Do I need to do anything to become a Brightspeed customer?
No action is needed if you wish to keep your current service. Your rates and the terms and conditions of your current service will remain the same.
What if I don't want to become a Brightspeed customer? Can I opt out?
Since the transfer will occur across entire states and regions, it’s not possible for individual households or addresses to opt out. However, you do have the right to choose a different provider for your telecommunications services. Keep in mind that a switch may include transfer fees to that provider, and you will pay that provider’s rates.
Note that if your CenturyLink service is currently frozen to prevent unauthorized transfer to another carrier, it will automatically be lifted to allow for the transfer from CenturyLink to Brightspeed. Once the switch is complete, you can contact Brightspeed to place a new freeze on your service around October 3.